
Airport website visits soar in wet week

100,000 visits in July

Record website figures of 100,651 for the month of July have been released by Exeter Airport together with the first five days of August.  This month’s statistics show that the weather probably contributed to the 15,000 users who where looking for late deals and of July’s visitors, over a quarter (26,760) viewed the summer holidays page.

Exeter Airport’s managing director, Jamie Christon, said: “This surge in website usage indicates a huge amount of interest in our flights to guaranteed sunshine abroad. The six digit total for last month was up 8% on June and 2% up on the July of 2008. We are encouraged by the increase in clicks to the website and these will doubtless lead to last minute bookings for foreign holidays.”

July was also a good month for the website’s hotels and tourism page. Nearly 1,500 visits were made to the link which lists local hotels and places of interest in the South West.  The airport suggests that this would normally be reflected in inbound tourism to the region in the coming months.  The www.exeter-airport.co.uk website was redesigned in 2008 and since it went live it has received over one million visits.