
Airports Safety Week

AOA UK Airports Safety Week 13-19 May

The AOA UK Airports Safety Week involves 52 airports who are participating in various safety events and activities to increase awareness of safety and operations across the industry. 

The collection of FOD (foreign object debris)

Exeter Airport is participating in this event and actively encouraging all staff to take part in as many activities as they are able to. These have included the FOD plod where staff from a range of departments went on a walk to collect any foreign object debris from the apron and taxiway which may have caused a problem for aviation.

A demonstration of saftey boots and gloves from Eiendals

A demonstration of safety wear has also been on show with representatives of Eiendals showing the effectiveness of good footwear and gloves

A vehicle demonstrating what can happen in a drink-drive car crash

An example of what happens in a fatal car crash is on show at the front of the Exeter Airport terminal. The driver lost her life after losing control of the car and hitting a tree at high speed.

Smoke detectors are essential for home safety

Smoke detectors are essential for home safety and where there are families involved there’s a scheme to take advantage of the special safety offer.  

Firewatch are supporting Exeter Airport in promoting Airport Safety Week 2019

Firewatch, who have supported UK Airport Safety Week, have developed the skills and expertise to offer fire protection services and products. extinguishers and fire alarms. The company has become a leader in the supply and maintenance of fire extinguishers and fire alarms, and was the first fire-protection company in Great Britain to gain approval for both of the BAFE schemes in the maintenance of fire extinguishers and fire alarms.