
‘Base of the Month’ again and again

Exeter Airport is TUI best ‘On Time Base’

The TUI Airline Thomson Airways On Time Departure Performance (OTP) at Exeter continues to be recognised as excellent, so much so that the team have recently celebrated winning the Airline’s OTP award for the third month running, a first for Exeter and Thomson.

Thomson.OTPExeter Airport has continued with its top performances and the ‘Base of the Month’ awards have been presented for both March and April 2017 which is in addition to the previous award for February 2017.

The airline’s figures show that Exeter was the best ‘On Time Base’, for low volume, with a fantastic 100% of flights departing within 15 minutes of schedule.

The award, an On Time Performance clock, was presented by Thomson Airways to some of the airport team at Exeter Airport who provided the services to the airline for the aircraft and passengers.

Exeter Airport’s managing director Matt Roach said: “I would like to pass on my congratulations to all involved in achieving this accolade. The continued efforts from the Exeter Airport staff have been recognised by the airline and we are very proud of this performance.”