It is illegal to fly any drone at any time within restricted zones

The flying restriction area uses the airfield’s existing aerodrome traffic zone, which has a radius of two and a half nautical miles and then
5 km (3.1 miles) by 1 km (0.62 miles) zones starting from the point
known as the ‘threshold’ at the end of each of the airfield’s runways.
Both zones extend upwards to a height of 2,000 feet above the airfield.
This restriction replaces the 1km from the airfield boundary rule.
The restriction applies for the area highlighted in the Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) map for Exeter Airport.
A drone (also called UAV/UAS) flown in the UK is the responsibility of the owner who should be aware of the rules and restrictions.
For more information visit
It is illegal to fly any drone at any time within these restricted zonesunless permission is granted by air traffic control at the airport.
For permission, email details of location, date, time and height of intended operation to [email protected]