
Flybe Winter Schedule – Now on Sale

12 routes with one way fares from £24.99 including taxes and charges

12 routes with one way fares from £24.99 including taxes and charges

Exeter Airport has 12 Flybe routes between 25 October 2015 and 26 March 2016 available for booking. One way fares from £24.99 including taxes and charges can be booked at flybe.com.

Highlights include the convenient re-scheduling of the return evening flight from London City to satisfy passenger demand that will depart at 1725, arriving in Exeter at 1835.

The airline has also re-confirmed the extension of its summer sun routes to Alicante, Faro and Malaga through to 1 November 2015 to accommodate half-term holiday travellers, and the return of popular Saturday ski routes to Chambery and Geneva.

The winter schedule also includes up to three flights a day to Manchester. Passengers are increasingly taking advantage of by-passing congested London airports to make more convenient, seamless onward connections not only to the rest of the Flybe network but also to the rest of the world via Flybe’s codeshare partners.