
Passenger Information

Everything you need to know, before you go

Pre-flight countdown

    • Passengers should be ready to board the aircraft 30 mins ahead of flight time.
    • Prepare for Security Search and check the Security Regulations.
    • The Security Search may take time, so allow 15-45 mins for queues and checks especially at busy times.
    • There may be queues at a Check-in desk for some flights.
    • See the airline Check-in (Boarding Pass) information below and the Baggage Allowance.
    • The Executive Lounge is open for the first checked-in passengers of the day.
    • Smoking and vaping (or the use of e-cigarettes), is not permitted in any part of the airport.
    • Allow time for possible traffic delays and to park the car.
    • Our car parks are only a few minutes walk from the airport terminal and can be pre-booked here

Check-in (Boarding Pass)


  • See the Ryanair Terms & Conditions for check-in, boarding & seating The following summary is subject to change
  • Ryanair passengers (except Flexi Plus fares which include free airport check-in) MUST check-in online at ryanair.com and print (A4) a boarding pass before coming to the airport.
  • Alternatively Ryanair passengers may download a boarding pass at the Ryanair app.
  • Ryanair passengers checked in online can reprint or download a boarding pass up to 2 hours before the flight.
  • Online check-in opens 60 days before the flight for Ryanair passengers who purchase an allocated seat.
  • Ryanair passengers can be allocated a seat free of charge if they check-in online between 2 days and 2 hours before the flight.
  • Customers who fail to check-in online within the above deadlines (except Flexi Plus customers) will be charged an Airport Check-In fee.
  • Customers who do not present a boarding pass at the airport (paper or mobile) will be charged a Boarding Pass Re-Issue fee.

Other airlines

  • Departing passengers are requested to attend the appropriate check-in desk in the Main Terminal Building with Passports (for international flights) or Photo ID.
  • A Boarding Pass will be issued.
  • Advance Passenger Information (API) will usually be dealt with at the check-in desk using Passport details. (Also see TUI API)
  • Photo ID or Passports and the Boarding Pass are required at Security and the Boarding Gate.
  • Check-in times – Please see the requirement of the airline.
  • Generally for Charter holiday flights desks open 2.5 hours ahead of flight time and close 60 mins ahead of flight time.

Flight Transfer

Arriving passengers for onward flights should:

  • Collect baggage from the reclaim belt. Unless for domestic travel where there is an onward arrangement with the airlines.
  • Follow Flight Transfer signs and walk out of the Arrivals building.
  • Enter the Departures building.
  • If your luggage is through checked, it will not need to be retagged, just drop off at the check-in desk and proceed to departures, if not, please check-in for your onward flight at one of the check-in desks as normal.

Air Passenger Rights

VAT Refund Document

  • Passengers who have used a UK retailer participating in the VAT Retail Export Scheme, who are going to a final destination outside the EC, should post the refund document in the HM Customs & Excise post box situated in the check-in hall near the cafe.
  • Customs officials will collect it and if all requirements have been met, they will contact the retailer to arrange the VAT refund.
  • For more information please see HMRC’s pages on tax on shopping and services
Airport Open / Closed

The terminal building (landside) is generally open overnight for those arriving before check-in but passengers are not permitted through Security until the start of check-in when catering facilities and shops also open. These facilities close after the last departing flight of the day.

Hand (cabin) Baggage

We would remind all passengers that each airline has their own policy regarding the amount of hand baggage allowed on their aircraft and we strongly recommend that information regarding this is sought directly from the Airline before travel.

Security Search Area

Solid food snacks including sandwiches etc are permitted through the search area in hand baggage.  However, yogurt or foods with large quantities of sauces, soups and syrups, jams and preserves will be subject to the ‘liquids’ regulations.

UK Government Regulations

The DfT rules to which UK airports operate are constantly being reviewed but they are not always published for public consumption. These measures are in place for aircraft safety but unfortunately this lack of clarity may result in passenger confusion and frustration when items are not permitted through the security area. The following topics are published by GOV.UK for guidance:

Liquids Restrictions

Further to the UK Government announcement, current requirements for screening liquids and large electricals are unchanged.

  • Liquid containers must hold no more than 100ml (3.4 fl oz)
  • Containers must not be capable of holding more than 100ml
  • Liquid containers must be carried in a single (one per passenger), transparent, re-sealable plastic bag, which holds no more than one litre and measures approximately 20cm x 20cm
  • The contents must fit comfortably inside the bag so that it can be sealed
  • Liquids bags must be presented for examination at the airport security point

Items classed as ‘Liquids’

  • All drinks including water, soups and syrups, jams and preserves
  • Cosmetics and toiletries, including creams, lotions, oils, perfumes, mascara and lipsticks
  • Sprays, including shaving foam, hairspray and spray deodorants
  • Pastes, including toothpaste
  • Gels, including hair and shower gel
  • Contact lens solution if tested positive for DfT banned substances the solution may not travel – products with hydrogen peroxide have failed this test – Bausch & Lomb ReNU Multi purpose contact lens solution passes the test for soft contact lenses
  • Any other solutions and items of similar consistency

Vaping & Smoking

  • A vaping device or e-cigarette may be taken through the Security Search Area but the use of these items is not permitted in the airport terminal or on the aircraft.
  • Traditional cigarettes may travel but smoking is not permitted in any part of the terminal building or on the aircraft.
  • Cigarette lighters should be put inside the ‘liquids’ plastic bag or screened separately. Only one lighter per person may be carried on a flight but it must kept on the person and not placed in hand baggage after screening.
  • Only ‘safety’ matches are permitted through the Security Search Area.

Essential Medicines

  • Passengers may carry medical items and essential medicines for the journey, including inhalers and dietary foodstuffs in containers over 100ml in hand baggage. Some of these may also need supporting documentation from a relevant qualified medical professional (eg doctor’s letter or prescription). Please check with the airline.
  • EpiPens and Insulin Injection Pens may be carried in a cabin bag or within the hold of the aircraft and the user is not required to provide any medical certification.  If additional insulin is required, a doctor’s note or repeat prescription should be carried for verification.

Baby Feed and Drink

  • Baby feed and drink for the journey may travel in quantities greater than required in the Hand (cabin) Baggage ‘liquids’ Restrictions and there is no need for a clear re-sealable plastic bag.
  • Sterilised water within a bottle is permitted.
  • Feed of any consistency and drink will be machine tested.
  • If feeds are within sealed containers and in large amounts, the security staff will select a random sample to be tested.

Liquids Bought at the Airport

Passengers can take into the aircraft cabin any liquids bought after passing through the security search area, as these items go through a separate screening process. This includes bottled water, wines and spirits and fragrances and cosmetics of any size.

Passenger Cabin Prohibited Articles

Items defined as Dangerous and Restricted Items are not permitted through the Security Search Area or into the Aircraft Passenger Cabin. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Objects capable, or appearing capable, of discharging a projectile or causing injury
  • Sharp objects capable of causing injury
  • Blunt instruments capable of causing injury
  • Explosives and flammable substances which pose a risk to the health or property
  • Chemical and toxic substances which poses a risk to the health or property

Oversized Items

Any item of hand baggage larger than 56cm x 45cm x 25cm will not be allowed in the aircraft cabin and must be checked in as hold baggage, with the exception of musical instruments.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments which do not fit in the permitted cabin baggage size will normally be allowed as a second item of cabin baggage. Larger instruments are also permitted but passengers should check with the airline, as special arrangements need to be made, such as buying an extra seat.

Laptops / Electrical Items

Further to the UK Government announcement, current requirements for screening liquids and large electricals are unchanged.

Passengers may take electrical items in hand baggage but laptop computers and some other electrical items will need to be removed and screened separately.

Hold (checked-in) Baggage

Passengers are requested to attend the airline’s check-in desk with hold baggage prior to the ‘closing’ of the flight.  During this check-in or ‘bag drop’ procedure baggage will be weighed, tagged and sent to a holding area to await loading onto the aircraft.

Baggage Allowance/Limit

Passengers should check booking conditions for the airline (holiday company) Baggage Allowance. Maximum Baggage Weight Limits generally restrict individual items to 32kgs and items above these weights will not be accepted at check-in.

Over-Size Baggage

Over-Size Baggage (golf clubs, surf boards, skis etc ) may be subject to a charge and cannot be guaranteed carriage without prior notice. Outbound items will be tagged at check-in and must be deposited at the over-size baggage belt in the Departures Channel. Inbound items will be available at the over-size zone in baggage re-claim. See the Baby & Child section for pushchair & child buggy procedures.

Dangerous Goods

Passengers should be aware that airlines and security screening agencies have the right to refuse the carriage of certain dangerous goods in the interests of aviation safety. The CAA has published guidance on the types of dangerous goods which passengers are permitted to carry in their carry-on baggage, in their checked baggage, on their person and those which are forbidden on an aircraft. Dangerous Goods items include flammable or harmful substances such as gases, oxidisers, poisons, corrosives and hazardous biological or chemical material. Non-safety matches, lighter fluid and firelighters are also included. Additionally any item considered to pose a security or safety risk may be prevented from passing through the Security Search Area. The CAA website’s dangerous goods page contains full details.  See the items forbidden anywhere on an aircraft.

General Baggage Information

  • Passengers must comply with all Baggage Regulations.
  • Hold Baggage should be strong and fit for purpose as it will be handled, manually and mechanically, many times between Check-in and Baggage Reclaim.
  • Pack medication for use on the journey in hand baggage and carry a letter from your doctor.
  • Do not pack money, jewellery and other valuable items in Hold (checked-in) Baggage.
  • Electrical items, aerosols and gas hair curlers, without refills, should be placed in Hold (checked-in) Baggage.
  • Never carry anything onto an aircraft for other people.
  • Airport Baggage Tags will be issues at check-in but baggage labels are not usually issued by the airline.
  • Passengers’ own labels should not display the home address. For identification in an emergency, name and home address, should be placed inside baggage.
  • Baggage should be securely locked at all times.
  • Do not leave baggage or personal belongings unattended in or around the airport.

Delayed (Lost) / Damaged Baggage or Property Loss

  • Exeter Airport uses Global Baggage Systems (GBS) tracking for the trace and the return process of delayed (lost) baggage.  Passengers may use their File Reference Number to check the progress and when retrieved a courier will deliver it to the address on file.
  • Once checked-in, under the terms of the Montreal Convention 1999, the carrier (airline) is liable for property loss or damage which took place during any period within which the checked baggage was in the charge of the carrier (ie up until collected from the baggage belt).
  • The person entitled to delivery must complain to the airline representative at the airport after the discovery of a loss or damage and a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) should be completed.
  • The airline will usually request a copy of the PIR when making a claim. This form cannot be issued after a passenger has left the airport.

Also see Delayed / Lost / Damaged Baggage UK European Consumer Centre (Air Travel) and the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) information.

Lost Property

For Lost Property items which may have been found in the airport terminal or on an aircraft contact the Lost Property Office: 01392 354909 (email EDALPassOffice).  Items may be collected from the Lost Property Office adjacent to the Arrivals building: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm – other arrangements will need to be made outside these hours. Found Passports will be handed to the police as it is a legal requirement for a lost passport to be returned to the passport office

Inbound Customs Restrictions

  • Passengers do not have to pay any tax or duty in the UK on goods bought tax paid in other EU countries which are for personal use but Customs Officers may question travellers with large quantities of alcohol or tobacco.
  • Passengers travelling to the UK from outside the EU are entitled to a lower allowance. Please check with HM Revenue & Customs for details of allowances.
  • Passengers should be also aware of the strict rules for bringing foodstuffs and related products into the European Union (EU): Bringing food and plants into the UK
Airline Baggage Information

Document Advice

  • On routes outside the UK – Passports will be required for adults (age 16 and over), children and infants.
  • Republic of Ireland passengers must have a form of ID which proves their nationality/citizenship.
  • On UK domestic routes – Photographic Identification will be required for all adults (16 years of age and over).
  • Booking confirmation will be required for inspection at check-in or the security search area.
  • Boarding Cards will be required for inspection at the security search area and before boarding.
  • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles UK travellers to reduced-cost, sometimes free, medical treatment that becomes necessary while in a European Economic Area (EEA) country or Switzerland. (EHIC replaced the E111 from 1 Jan 2006)
  • Travel insurance is recommended for all journeys and insurance documents should be carried at all times.

Photographic Identification

Passengers travelling to airports in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland or the Channel Islands do not need passports but must have a form of Photo ID which proves their nationality/citizenship. The following are examples of Photo ID that may be accepted by the airline: (also see Flybe ID requirements)

  • A valid passport
  • An expired passport (up to two years)
  • Valid photographic driving licence (or provisional)
  • Valid photographic EU or Swiss national ID
  • Valid armed forces or police ID
  • Photographic disabled badge
  • University/college ID or National Union of Students photo card
  • Council issued bus pass
  • Citizen Card

ID for Children

On International routes a passport will be required for children under the age of 16. A child’s ID is not required on Domestic routes (including the Channel Islands) but the adult travelling with the child must show their own photo ID and vouch for the identification of the child. (also see Flybe ID requirements)

Advance Passenger Information (API)

  • An advance passenger information programme (API) or e-Borders collects and stores information on passengers entering and leaving the United Kingdom.
  • For security reasons most EU States and other countries now require airlines to provide details about their passengers before they travel.
  • All the required API information (full name, nationality, date of birth, passport number) is on the traveller’s passport.
  • Passengers need only present their passport at airport check-in and the airline’s representative will then be responsible forwarding the information.
  • Airlines may also may also offer passengers the opportunity to register the required API information before arrival at the airport either through their websites or travel agents.

Passengers flying to destinations outside the UK must a hold a full ten-year passport, in good condition and valid for a minimum period (usually at least six months) beyond the date of re-entry to the country.  For visa requirements, contact the Consulate or Embassy of the country you are planning to visit. It is a legal requirement for a lost passport to be returned to the passport office and Found Passports will therefore be handed to the police. UK Border Control officers will scan passports of all passengers who have been outside the UK.  Only those people who have the right to enter the United Kingdom are allowed to do so. The UK Passport Office has tips and full details of immigration requirements. Passengers travelling to the Republic of Ireland or the Channel Islands do not need passports but must have a form of Photo ID which proves their nationality/citizenship.