
Polish Squadron exhibition in Exeter

Pilots defended city during 1942 blitz

The Polish 307 Squadron, which helped prevent Exeter from being totally destroyed in WWII, is featured in an exhibition to show how the Luftwaffe was fought over South West skies from RAF Exeter, now Exeter Airport.

The Polish pilots of 307 Squadron, who defended Exeter during the blitz on the city in 1942, were part of the RAF and known as the ‘Lwow Eagle Owls’ or the ‘night-fighters’ of Exeter.

The exhibition at Exeter’s Guildhall is on 14-16 November 2018 and on ‘307 Squadron Day’, Thursday 15 November at 10:00 the Polish flag will be raised over the Guildhall by the Lord Mayor of Exeter.

This event has been organised by 307 Squadron Project in conjunction with Exeter City Council.

The 307 Squadron Project is a British-Polish registered charity established to promote to carry out further research on the squadron and to promote cooperation between the nations.

The free exhibition at the Guildhall, which is in both English and Polish, is open:

Wednesday 14 November 10:00–16:00 | Thursday 15 November 10:00–18:00 | Friday 16 November 10:00–16:00