
Sudden Surge in Holiday Bookings

Better exchange rate and football factor boosts interest

There has been a significant increase in visits to Exeter Airport’s website following England’s departure from the football world cup.

The first two days of the week have seen over one thousand views of the Summer Holidays page, 63% more traffic than at the weekend and the Scheduled Flights have had 77% more interest.

These figures come at a time when the exchange rate is around 1.24 Euros to the pound, a 20-month high, and the average family of four could now save £700 during a typical two-week holiday in the Mediterranean compared with the same break last year.

Exeter Airport’s managing director Jamie Christon said: “Our passenger numbers for June are up on last year but the recent spell of good weather and the world cup has meant that bookings for the main summer period have been slower than anticipated. However, since the weekend there has been a sudden surge in interest for flights in July and August.

“The news that the pound has been steadily gaining in value against the euro for the last few months is also great news for holidaymakers travelling abroad as we head for the peak summer months. Those who have yet to book for this summer will find keenly priced holidays on offer but travellers are advised to book as soon as possible. ”