
Website winner receives iPod prize

Becky collects iPod prize at the newly opened technology shop...

Becky Moore has been chosen as the iPod prize winner of Exeter Airport’s new website newsletter subscriber draw.

The airport used a random number generator to pick the winner of the Apple iPod prize from the 580 new airport website subscribers following the closure for entries on Monday. The draw, which was scrutinised by the airport deputy managing Jamie Christon and shop manager Sherry Powell, issued the number 45 as the winning subscriber which corresponded to the name of Becky Moore.
Becky from Exeter came to the airport today (09.07.08) to collect the prize of an an Apple iPod Touch at the newly opened technology section of the airport’s shop, from communication manager Stephen Ayres and shop manager Sherry Powell.

Becky 34, who was delighted with the prize said; “This is wonderful, I regularly use the airport and happened to be on the new website when I saw the chance to win the iPod.  I’d been thinking about buying one but now I’ve saved myself £200.”