
Airport’s Plan for Road Travel Reduction

Improvements to public transport links

Road miles to and from Exeter International Airport will be reduced and improvements to public transport links will be made if the measures discussed at the airport’s newly-formed Transport Forum, are implemented.

The airport’s Master Plan objectives which include the reduction of car journeys to the airport and the encouragement of employees to use public transport were on the agenda this week at a meeting hosted by Exeter Airport and attended by sixteen representatives from areas of local government concerned with infrastructure issues, development strategists and transport providers.

Commenting on the meeting Jamie Christon, Exeter International Airport’s managing director said: “It was very encouraging to see the calibre and expertise of those around the table at our new regular Transport Forum. They are some of the most influential transport experts in the area and we aim to use their knowledge to update our Surface Access Strategy.

“We will be undertaking a full travel to work study of not only Exeter Airport staff but the employees of Flybe and in the local business park to assist public transport providers with their study of travel needs of those that work in the area. We hope that this will shortly bring about a more frequent bus service covering longer hours with increased usage.

“Other issues included the provision of a cycle route, links to the new community’s high quality transport system and the reduction of passenger “drop offs” which would cut trip generation.”