
Author: Craig Farnes

Best Airport performance in six years

Passenger numbers up by almost 7%

Passenger numbers up by almost 7% Exeter Airport is celebrating its best performance in six years with passenger numbers up by almost 7% to more than 800,000. Figures just released show that the airport handled 816,379 passengers in 2015, compared to 763,902 the year before, an increase of 6.9%. The last time the airport had []

Airport Charity Support for CLIC

Leading cancer charity is charity of the year for 2016

Leading cancer charity is charity of the year for 2016 Exeter Airport has chosen the UK’s leading cancer charity; CLIC Sargent, as their charity of the year for 2016. Exeter Airport’s members of staff voted to support CLIC Sargent this year as they wanted to help families in the area who are affected when a []

New Norwich Route

Time & Money saving flights with Flybe

Time & Money saving flights with Flybe Flybe has today confirmed the launch of new direct flights from Exeter Airport to Norwich Airport in East Anglia, saving hours on the equivalent journey by road or rail. The new flights will operate six days a week from 24 March with one-way fares starting from just £17.49 []

Exeter City’s team departed

Flybe special to Liverpool for the FA Cup 3rd round replay

Flybe special to Liverpool for the FA Cup 3rd round replay Exeter City’s team departed on the Flybe special charter to Liverpool ahead of their FA Cup 3rd round replay. We wish them well at Anfield.

Liverpool fly in for cup clash

Exeter City play Liverpool tonight in the FA cup

Exeter City play Liverpool tonight in the FA cup Liverpool striker Adam Lallana, with a new pair of boots under his arm, and the squad came off the specially chartered aircraft to the waiting coach when they arrived at Exeter Airport just after 1pm ahead of their FA cup match at St.James Park tonight against []

2015 Christmas Getaway

Departures to the Canary Islands across the week

Departures to the Canary Islands across the week As the school holidays start and the Christmas holidays get underway Exeter Airport is expecting to deal with over 20,000 passengers over the two week festive period. Already three flights have taken hundreds of excited children to Lapland on excursions that involved tobogganing, snowmobile and  reindeer sleigh []

Airport Sponsors #DTA15 Award

Devon Tourism Award for International Visitor Experience

Devon Tourism Award for International Visitor Experience The 6th annual Devon Tourism Awards took place at Plymouth’s Holiday Inn last night (26 November). The glittering award ceremony featuring 24 award categories was hosted by Judi Spiers and celebrated the breadth of Devon’s tourism. Exeter Airport sponsored the…INTERNATIONAL VISITOR EXPERIENCE and congratulates the following: Gold Unique []

Bookings open for Flybe 2016 routes

Summer Sunshine Schedule on Sale

Summer Sunshine Schedule on Sale Exeter Airport’s 2016 summer Flybe schedule is on sale with up to 228 flights per week on 17 routes, including popular sunshine destinations Alicante, Faro, Malaga and Palma Mallorca. The future of the sun routes was secured following a deal between Exeter Airport owners Rigby Group and Flybe last month. []

Exeter Airport voted the best by travel trade

Best domestic airport according to travel agents

Best domestic airport according to travel agents Exeter Airport has been voted the best in class at this year’s Travel Agents Choice Awards which were entirely nominated by and voted for by UK travel agents and designed to identify and acknowledge the industry’s favourites. The UK travel retailers, who cast 1000 votes for 42 categories, []