
Author: Craig Farnes

Aviation Minister visits Exeter Airport

Importance of Special Assistance highlighted

Aviation Minister Liz Sugg visted Exeter Airport today (16/11/18). She showed particular interest in the importance of offering Special Assistance to a growing number of passengers and the recent high rating of the service by the CAA. The tour of the terminal was conducted by airport Managing Director Matt Roach who introduced the Minister to Airport []

Experience with Huskies

Iceland Arctic Experience Highlighted

In what’s thought to be the first experience of its kind in any airport around the UK, the wagging tails of Huskies mixed with waiting passengers on Tuesday morning and the new Northern Iceland Arctic Experience breaks were highlighted. The first departure of the Super Break programme to Akureyri in Northern Iceland will take off []

Huskies Highlight Iceland Trips

First flight to North Iceland departs 10 December.

Huskies will be helping passengers get into the winter holiday spirit when the new Northern Iceland Arctic Experience breaks are highlighted in the check-in hall on Tuesday (13/11/18) morning. In what’s thought to be the first experience of its kind in any airport around the UK, the wagging tails of Lumi, Jay, Phoebe, Fabre and []

Iceland from Exeter

4 Night Break - Departs 10 December

Explore the culture and scenery of the Arctic north with an incredible break in Iceland. Fly from Exeter Airport on Monday 10 December on a four-night break and discover the very best of North Iceland with Super Break. The Northern Lights are often visible at this time of the year so there’s a good chance []

Remembrance Sunday

Exeter Airport - Two Minute Silence

Exeter Airport will observe a Remembrance Sunday Two Minute Silence at 11:00am. Armistice Day, which also falls this Sunday, marks the end of the First World War in 1918, one hundred years ago. Each year passengers and staff observe a Two Minute Silence at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month []

Polish Squadron exhibition in Exeter

Pilots defended city during 1942 blitz

The Polish 307 Squadron, which helped prevent Exeter from being totally destroyed in WWII, is featured in an exhibition to show how the Luftwaffe was fought over South West skies from RAF Exeter, now Exeter Airport. The Polish pilots of 307 Squadron, who defended Exeter during the blitz on the city in 1942, were part []

Belfast flights and Titanic Discounts

Discounted Belfast Titanic Experience entry and 15% off flights

Flybe has partnered with Titanic Belfast to offer an adult discounted entrance to the Titanic Experience and a 15% discount on flights to Belfast from 1 December to 31 March 2019. The state-of-the-art experience brings you the sights, sounds, smells and stories of RMS Titanic, as well as the city and people which made her. Explore []

Winter schedule underway for Flybe

18 routes with a choice of up to 93 flights a week

Flybe started operating its 2018-19 Winter schedule from Exeter at the weekend (28 October 2018) with a total of 18 routes with a choice of up to 93 flights a week available throughout the UK and mainland Europe for travel through to 30 March 2019. Flybe, Europe’s largest regional airline, offers increased frequency on a []

Flybe summer seats now on sale

Book flights up to 8th September 2019

Flybe flights are now on sale for travel through summer 2019 until 8 September Whether you’re looking at summer breaks in Europe, staycations in the UK or planning a trip around the globe NOW is the time to book and Exeter is the place to depart. Paris flights are operating twice a day and this []

Paris – twice a day for connectivity

Increased frequency means more convenience

Fights to and from Paris (CDG) will operate twice a day with the start of the new Flybe winter schedule. Paris ‘twice a day’ from 28 October means more convenience and there are now more opportunities for seamless onward international connectivity with Air France. See Flybe’s One Stop to the World search page showing how []