
Support for Offwell Woodland and Wildlife Trust

Donations from official airport online car park bookings help local charity

The valuable work of local environmental and education charity, the Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust, has received its second support donation from Exeter International Airport in a scheme that allows motorists to book parking and contribute to the Trust’s work in east Devon.

At the recent presentation of a cheque for £3,630, Stephen Ayres, Exeter Airport’s communications manager was brought up to date with the activities that the charity has carried out since the previous donation of nearly £4,000 in September 2010.

Mr Ayres later commented: “As well as the wonderful field work we are pleased that our friends at Offwell are developing their educational side and a new website. The airport’s customers can continue to help the charity by using the official airport online car park service.  A £1 donation will be made to the Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust for each online booking and there is a 30% discount on the gate price.

Dougal Syers, Education and Conservation Manager at the Trust’s Woodland Education Centre at Offwell said: “The financial support of Exeter International Airport is of vital importance to the work of the Trust, and helps us to carefully maintain our wide range of natural habitats on our 50 acre nature reserve.  These habitats are home to a wide variety of fascinating British wildlife, including rare water voles, dormice and ruddy darter dragonflies. The Centre also supports thousands of breeding amphibians, hundreds of moth species and a number of endangered bats.”

Offwell Cheque
Those wishing to volunteer to help the Trust in its valuable conservation and education programme should contact Dougal Syers at 01404 831881 or email [email protected].