
First Malta Flight of 2014

Locally made biscuits for captain and crew...

The first Air Malta flight of the season departed today from Exeter at 11:40 with 130 passengers on board and as part of the send off the airport presented the captain and crew with a small gift from Devon… a box of locally made biscuits.

Malta 2014

Air Malta is again operating weekly charter flights from Exeter until the end of October on Tuesdays.  The route gives passengers from the region the opportunity to travel from their nearest airport and it also attracts Maltese travellers who wish to visit family and friends in the UK.

With today’s temperature on the Mediterranean island around 21 degrees Celsius the passengers can expect a pleasantly warm break away from the South West which has had the wettest winter on record.

Matt Roach, Exeter Airport’s managing director said: “We are pleased that Air Malta is continuing to offer its services from Exeter. The airline is also supported by a range of tour operators and travel trade partners so our passengers have an excellent choice of holidays in the islands.”

Commenting on these services, Philip Saunders, Chief Commercial
Officer said, “Air Malta is building on its position in the UK as a leader in the market to Malta. Our summer charter operations further confirms the airline’s commitment to boost incoming tourism to Malta from the UK, and to bring Malta closer to their home.

For details see Malta Holidays