UK’s largest ever shipment of fish

Over 100 fish fly in - including sharks up to three metres long

Over 100 fish, including sharks up to three metres long, were off-loaded from an aircraft at Exeter International Airport this weekend when the largest ever consignment of live fish arrived from Barbados via Heathrow en route to the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth. The National Marine Aquarium chartered a Boeing 767 to fly 19 tanks []

Airport website visits soar in wet week

100,000 visits in July

Record website figures of 100,651 for the month of July have been released by Exeter Airport together with the first five days of August.  This month’s statistics show that the weather probably contributed to the 15,000 users who where looking for late deals and of July’s visitors, over a quarter (26,760) viewed the summer holidays []

Dalaman Deal Done

Boeing 757 flights to Turkey from May 2010

The result of several months of negotiations between Exeter International Airport and Thomas Cook, one of the world’s leading tour operators, have been revealed today (16 July 2009) with the announcement that a 26 week series of Boeing 757 flights will operate to Dalaman in Turkey from May 2010. The Thomas Cook 235 seat aircraft []

Flybe – is the UK’s No1 domestic airline

CAA April/May statistics confirm 3 major milestones

Exeter Airport based Flybe, is now the UK’s number one domestic airline following CAA April/May statistics which confirm it has achieved three major corporate milestones: The Flybe brand carried the largest number of passengers in the UK domestic marketplace by three clear percentage points Flybe, even without its franchise partner, Loganair, carried more domestic passengers []

Pirate presentation and water walk

Johnny Depp lookalike at the airport

Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp lookalike joined Exeter Airport’s World Duty Free (WDF) shop members of staff who had been supporting a campaign to raise awareness of the fact that millions of people in the developing world have to walk for miles to collect water every day. The swashbuckling captain welcomed back the pirate []

Launch for Turkish Language Course

University of Exeter‰'s Foreign Language Centre ‰Holiday Turkish course

Exeter Airport was the venue for the launch of the University of Exeter’s Foreign Language Centre ‘Holiday Turkish’ course. Passengers at the airport were given a free taster of key expressions and phrases to help prepare them for their holiday. Turkish tutor Anil Lee, who originally hails from Istanbul and has been resident in Exeter []

Zero Harm

A programme to develop and promote the airport's excellent safety record

Zero Harm is the name given to Exeter Airport’s programme to develop and promote the airport’s excellent safety record.  Under the scheme the airport will ensure that it operates in a safe and secure manner with the constant involvement of all staff ands its airline and airport partners. Exeter Airport will be one of the []

Airport MD joins Visit Devon board

New directors join board of Devon promotion organisation

Visit Devon, the destination management organisation responsible for promoting Devon to the world has appointed three new Directors to its board, adding to the impressive group of representatives from the business and tourism sectors in Devon. Duncan Currall, Regional Director at the South West Media Group, Jamie Christon, Managing Director at Exeter International Airport and []

Five* Check-in – Which? Ranking

Five star efficiency rating for passenger check-in

In a Which? on-line survey of 30 UK airports, Exeter has gained a maximum five star efficiency rating for passenger check-in and has been ranked fourth overall. The report, published in the April edition of Which?, stated that Exeter is a “regional high-flier” and “performed well” in the biggest survey of its kind.  Which? highlighted []

Austrian and German connections to South West

German tour company to bring Rosamund Pilcher fans to the UK

Exeter Airport is looking forward to welcoming thousands of German and Austrian tourists to the South West this summer who wish to visit the sites and landmarks made famous by the books of Rosamund Pilcher. Rosamund Pilcher, who was born in Cornwall, has sold 60 million books and her adapted romances which are shown on []