
UK Airports Safety Week

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Plod

Today members of staff from many Exeter Airport departments, equipped with plastic bags and protective gloves, took part in one of the regular events to check airside apron areas for Foreign Object Debris (FOD) escorted by a fire tender.

UK Airports Safety Week is the Airport Operators Association (AOA) initiative to capture the imagination of a wide cross-section of airport stakeholders and to engage, inspire and educate about how a safety culture can be effective.

FODPLODmay17FOD is any object, particle, substance, debris or agent that is not where it is supposed to be and in the aviation environment this could create a hazard to aircraft, equipment, cargo or personnel.

These initiatives clear some small items from the surrounding areas and may identify possible issues that need to be dealt with. It also highlights the FOD issue to a greater number of staff so that they will be more vigilant when going about their everyday tasks.