Exeter Airport rebrands

New logo and website for airport rebranding

The most prominent elements of the re-branding of Exeter International Airport have gone on show with the installation of new terminal signs and a new look website. Using the colour pallet from the Devon brand guidelines, the airport’s new logo reflects the vibrancy of the region and emphasises the focus on people.  The seven silhouetted []

Clear Plan for Growth

Over å£124m of investment has been earmarked for the airport

Over £124m of investment has been earmarked for the airport Exeter Airport’s forthcoming Master Plan will set a clear plan for growth and confirm Exeter as the airport of choice for the region and the principle gateway for Devon and Cornwall. The Department for Transport requires all UK airports to explain their future strategic framework []

Travellers’ change raises Ìâå£1,000

Donations for 2007 charity of the year - Hospiscare

07/03/2008 – Donation for airport’s 2007 charity of the year, Hospiscare Travellers using Exeter Airport in 2007 were responsible for donating nearly £1,000 for the airport’s charity of the year, Hospiscare.  Hospiscare, which is Exeter’s local hospice, offering high quality care and support to people with life-threatening illnesses, recently audited their donations from the airport []

New Air-Side Catering Facilities Open

£300,000 invested in new Caffe Ritazza

£300,000 invested in new Caffe Ritazza A new air-side catering facility at Exeter International Airport will be open in time for Easter passengers in the Departure Lounge. The Airport’s catering provider, Select Service Partner, has invested over £300,000 in a new Caffe Ritazza which replaces the bar built when the airport lounge was expanded in []

Digital TV countdown started at airport

One Year until the westcounty switchover

One Year until the westcounty switchover Digital UK started a 365 day countdown to digital television switchover in the westcounty at Exeter Airport on 8 April 2008. Campaign mascot Digit Al togther with Digital UK Regional Manager Bill Taylor launched the official one year countdown at Exeter International Airport and marked the ‘take off’ by using an aircraft, operated by locally based charter []

RCA acquires Blackpool Airport

Second airport within Balfour Beatty's Regional & City Airports Group

Blackpool becomes the second airport within Balfour Beatty’s Regional & City Airports Group The Regional & City Airports Group, owners of Exeter International Airport, have purchased Blackpool International Airport from the Irish Property Group MAR for £14m. Blackpool becomes the second airport within Balfour Beatty’s Regional & City Airports Group, complimenting Exeter Airport which was []

Dakotas Farewell to Passenger Flying

Ther end to the long and flawless passenger carrying duties of the Dakota

This year will see and end to the long and flawless passenger carrying duties of the Dakota. European legislation has decreed that all passenger-carrying aircraft must comply with certain criteria, whatever their age, and some of these modifications would be prohibitively expensive or impossible to carry out on the DC-3. So with the implementation of the EU-OPS legislation in mid July 2008, []

Passenger growth up 200% in 5 years

Fastest Growing Airport in the South West

The latest five year airport comparison figures published by the Civil Aviation Authority show that Exeter Airport is one of the fastest growing airports in the UK. The data from the CAA, the UK’s specialist aviation regulator, illustrates a growth of over 200% from 2002 to 2007 and that 1,012million arriving and departing passengers used []

Flybe reports record results

Flybe looks to the future in the South West with huge confiden.

FLYBE, Europe’s largest regional low cost airline, has announced record financial results for the year ended 31 March 2007, with a 17% increase in turnover to £355million and an overall profit before tax of £15.6 million, representing an improvement of £20m over the previous year.  Of particular note was Flybe’s continuing strong growth in ancillary []

Airport Catering Investment

Catering operator rolls out a £300,000 series of new catering projects

A new contractual agreement between Exeter International Airport and the catering operator SSP for a period of five years will trigger an investment of over £300,000 and roll out a series of new catering projects. The improvements to the airport’s catering facilities will follow the move of the main catering facility to air-side earlier in []